Grab Some Friends

Choose a Goal

Do Something that Matters…         

      …One Tiny Step at a Time

What kind of goals do people choose?

The goal you choose in Wayfinders depends on where you are in life.

Some people come to Wayfinders when they are on a wide and gentle part of their path, with lots of extra time and energy.

Is this you? Then you may be ready for a B.H.A.G. (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). 

Some big dreams Wayfinders have achieved:

  • Get my college degree at age 75
  • Start a non-profit to combat human trafficking
  • Finally write the book I’ve always had in me
  • Become a police chaplain
  • Launch a town-wide Kindness Day in the city of Bath, Maine. 
  • Live in Tanzania part-time
  • Have a gallery showing of my photographs
  • Go on stage for the first time at age 80.
  • Trade in teaching to become a camp director

But maybe you’re on a part of your Way that is steep and stony (taking gentle of a sick relative, or bearing up through your own illness, for instance).

If you are in that place right now, you may be called to a different kind of goal, a Sabbath goal of rest and renewal.

Some Sabbath goals Wayfinders have achieved:


  • Take one day off work every week to rest.
  • Re-kindle my love of singing and join a madrigal group
  • Find more joy in everyday moments
  • Train for a 5K to feel endorphins once again
  • Go on silent retreat
  • Find a way to pace myself and thrive while living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Develop a morning prayer practice
  • Find 2 hours for myself each week not to be taking care of others

Finally, you may discern a more down-to-earth goal. These goals may seem less “shiny,” but they may take some steadfastness and courage to achieve.

Some Down-to-Earth Goals Wayfinders Have Achieved


  • Find a good home for my late husband’s belongings
  • Track my expenses and live within my means
  • Learn how to sew a skirt for my body type
  • Walk regularly and eat well so I can get in shape to travel again
  • Find a way to earn 300 dollars so I can attend my daughter’s college graduation out of state
  • Get up the courage to host people in my imperfect, messy home and share love and food with them.

Fortunately, no matter what goal you choose, you’ll have a team of companions to help you get there.