Hello faith leaders of Maine! What would it feel like:

...to feel surprise watching your beloved parishioners discover their gifts, and grow in their walk with Christ?

…to feel excitement as people connect their Sunday worship to their Monday-Saturday “real” lives?

to feel the satisfaction of watching fellowship deepen in your congregation?


Wayfinders brings a low cost, on-site discernment process to any person of faith in your congregation. 

  • It helps each person take seriously that God is moving in their life, and gives them a way to listen for God’s voice.
  • Then it provides them ongoing support to follow where God is calling.
  • It  helps people connect what they think and talk about on Sunday with the rest of their lives. 
  • Most importantly, Wayfinders directly fights the loneliness that plagues so many in our congregations, giving people a chance to connect more deeply.

Who is Wayfinders for?

Wayfinders is for any person of faith looking for where God is moving in their lives. It is especially helpful for people in your congregation who are going through a big life transition (graduation, retirement, widowhood, new in town). People also join to deepen relationships with others in their church.

Wayfinders  helps the stuck get unstuck, renews people’s spiritual excitement, and creates deep fellowship among teammates. 

A Wayfinders  team is like a small “spark-plug” in your congregation!

How much does Wayfinders cost?

Wayfinders runs on a shoe-string to make it available to people of all income levels.

I charge no fee to lead a team. There is a $40 per person charge to cover materials for the retreat weekend – and we potluck meals to further keep costs down.

If  your congregation is more than 30 miles from Bath, I ask reimbursement for travel expenses at the standard mileage rate.

What does Wayfinders need from clergy?

  • Some initial collaboration with me to identify and recruit good candidates for this discernment work

  • Continued prayer for the teammates as they bring their own callings to life.

IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR A WAY to get new volunteers into existing ministries in your church– this is not the discernment tool for you.

Wayfinders is much more.

It encourages people to find their passions, the things that give them joy–and excite them!  With the encouragement from their group, each person begins to identify their unique gifts from God.

People who complete this course will think differently, believe in themselves, and will work, with God’s help, toward what God calls them to be, and they do this with the support of their fellow searchers.

The Rev. Canon Lisa Fry,  rector, St. Thomas’s Church, Camden

I TRULY BELIEVE that small group faith-sharing is where the essence of our faith in Christ is realized and can grow. The Wayfinders process is a wonderful way for folks to come together and share their stories, struggles, and dreams all at the same time. Darreby is a master at bringing a small group together, affirming the gifts and talents of the participants and then inviting all to see where God is leading them in the future. I highly recommend Wayfinders.

The Rev. Tim Higgins,  St. Ann’s Church, Windham

Ready to learn more? Drop me a line and let’s talk about how my ministry can support yours.