What is the structure of the program?
The Wayfinders adventure has two parts: a weekend retreat + 8 team meetings (scheduled at the team’s convenience every 1-2 weeks.)
In the retreat I’ll lead you through a weekend with your team looking for clues about where God is calling you next. From those clues, you’ll fashion a goal, one you are excited about. You will leave the retreat as a member of a cohesive, focussed team, each of you with a working goal in hand.
After the retreat, we’ll have 8 two-hour action meetings, scheduled at the convenience of you and your teammates, over 2 or 3 months. (I attend the meetings 1, 2, and 8). During and in between these meetings, you’ll be bringing your goals to life, one step at a time!
How much does being on a Wayfinders team cost?
Wayfinders is my ministry, and my goal is to make this program available to as many people as possible. There is a $40 materials cost per person for the retreat; beyond that I charge no fee. Usually the retreat is non-residential (everyone goes home to their own bed at night), and to keep costs down we potluck for meals.
How do I find a team to join?
If you are part of a faith community, reach out to me and I’ll contact the clergy there, introduce myself, and see if they agree I’m a good match for your congregation. If so, we’ll work to put a team together. This usually involves my coming to church and making a presentation, and talking to folks face to face. You can help me recruit too – send friends to this website!
Or, you can round up a group of friends yourself, and reach out to me. I’ll train you all together – it is so much fun helping your friends’ dreams come true! Note: I work have worked with teammates of many faiths, and no faith at all. I lead secular teams in my studio in Bath, Maine, for a charge of $200/person.
I have no idea what my goal will be. Do I have to have to have a goal in mind to sign up?
Absolutely not. The first part of Wayfinders is a discernment retreat, where you will be listening for clues to where God is leading you. Many, many Wayfinders end up working on projects they never would have had the courage to do – or even imagine – without the time in reflection with God, and then the support of their teammates. Let your goal rise out of that discernment….and watch what God can do!
What happens after our eight meetings?
You may be done – go in peace! However, during the last meeting I’ll give your team several models for continuing.
Many teams continue to meet regularly – some for years, supporting each other through new goals and dreams. Others re-configure with new members. Some teammates pair off and become long-term accountability buddies.
Whether or not you continue on a team, Wayfinders gives you a technique to use for the rest of your life. Most importantly, you have cultivated close relationships with your teammates. Wayfinders creates friendships that endure long past the adventure itself.