WAYFINDERS in the Episcopal Church
St. Bart’s parishioners:
What adventure are you being called on next?
In Wayfinders, you’ll join me at St. Bart’s this winter for a weekend retreat with 4 or 5 fellow parishioners, to ask “God, where are you calling me next?”
You’ll be taking a careful look at your gifts, at any dreams you have kicking around, and at your circumstances – what can you take on right now?
From that discernment, you’ll each choose a goal, some change (big or small) to make.
Then you and your teammates will stick together for 8 follow up action meetings, helping each other bring those faithful goals to life.
Wayfinders is practical, down to earth, and builds deep fellowship among teammates.
Extra bonus? It’s FUN. There is a lot of laughter on Wayfinders teams!

“Darreby is truly skilled with facilitating and teaching this work. It is transformative beyond belief.”
Carol H.
It’s in two parts:
I will lead a weekend retreat at St. Bart’s (to be scheduled) where you and your teammates to take a good look at your own gifts and dreams, sort through possibilities, and choose a great goal, one that excites you.
Then we’ll gather for 8 tightly-structured action meetings where you’ll bring that goal to life with all the support, brainstorming, humor, and accountability it takes.
Is Wayfinders for me?
Wayfinders is for anyone who feels it would be valuable to take a deep breath, look carefully at their own gifts and circumstances, and listen for where God might be calling them next. It’s especially helpful for people in transition, such as empty-nesters, recent retirees, or people who are new in church or in town. Instead of just drifting into your new life, you’ll take some deliberate time to ask God, “So what comes next?” and set off with excitement and purpose.
How much does being on a Wayfinders team cost?
My work for the church is pro bono.
There is a $40 materials cost for the retreat, and we potluck for meals to keep expenses low.
I have no idea what my goal will be. Do I have to have to have a goal in mind to sign up?
I have a question you haven't answered.....
How to sign up/more questions: Drop me a note at darrebyambler@gmail.com
deadline to sign up: Sunday December 17th
I’m Darreby Ambler, and I designed this adventure for YOU.
During your retreat you’ll be asking the kind of BIG questions that open you up to new possibilities.
What gifts give you the greatest joy to use?
Is there something important you need to get done, but feel stuck/overwhelmed?
What would you attempt if you were just a little braver and had some help?